Monday, December 10, 2012

Convert a Java Project to a Java Plugin programatically

Normally, when we want to create a Java project or plugin, we use wizards of IDE as Eclipse or Netbeans to do it easily. However, in some cases we want to do it programmatically. On this article, I will show you a way to convert a Java Project to a Java Plugin by code. After that, I will contribute a menu item to a popup menu, for example the popup menu of the genmodel’s editor.
I also will add comments on lines of code so you could easy to understand it.


I use Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) and Jdk 6 on Window platform to illustrate. You at least need to know about Eclipse plugins and Eclipse commands. You could learn these topics on the Vogella blog (see more on references).

Create a plugin

First of all, we create a plugin by choosing File à New à Other à Plugin Project

Set the project name to de.rwth.swc.demo.generation, and hit Next and Finish (keep everything as default).
Open the Manifest file, choose the Dependencies tab then add two more plugins:
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core
  • org.eclipse.core.resources

The next step is to create a command and a menu contribution:
  • Open the Extension tab, add org.eclipse.ui.commands and
  • Right click on org.eclipse.ui.commands, choose New -> Command.
  • Set the id is de.rwth.swc.demo.generation.test and the name is test.
  • Set de.rwth.swc.demo.generation.MenuHandler for defaultHandler, then click on the hyperlink of defaulHandler. It will create a class MenuHandler on package de.rwth.swc.demo.generation. We will comeback with this class on the next part.
  • Right click on, choose New -> menuContribution.
  • Set popup:org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation.GenModelEditorID to locationURI. To understand why we could know this URI, please look on the appendix part.
  • Right click on the menuContribution created on the previous step, New à Command. Set de.rwth.swc.demo.generation.test to the commandId field and set Create a Plugin for the label.

After these steps, we will have the Extensions tab as below:

When you run this plugin, assume that you have a genmodel file, the popup menu should include a menu item, named Create a Plugin as below:

Work with the Handler class

Now is time to work with the handler class which will perform the back end of the menu item. Open the MenuHandler class, we could see that it implements the IHandler interface. However, on this article we just work with the execute() method, so we change a bit, let the MenuHandler class extends AbstractHandler class and we will have the original code:
package de.rwth.swc.demo.generation;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;

public class MenuHandler extends AbstractHandler {
     public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws                                                                      ExecutionException {
          return null;
To achieve our purpose in the beginning, I will do some steps as below:
  • Create a Java project.
  • Set JavaNature feature for the project
  • Set JRE path
  • Create the bin folder and set as the output folder
  • Create a source folder (if you want to create Java classes)
  • Convert the Java project to become a Java plugin.

Create a Java project.

We add three attributes for the handler class:
     // Snipped…
private IProject project;
     private IJavaProject javaProject;
     private final String PROJECT_NAME =           "de.rwth.mocca.demo.test";
// Snipped…
 Add a new method, createProject() as below:
     private void createProject() throws CoreException {
          // Create a progress monitor.
          IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new     NullProgressMonitor();
          // Get the workspace of Eclipse.
          IWorkspaceRoot root =                    ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
          // Get a project by its name but hasn't created a real project.
          project = root.getProject(PROJECT_NAME);
          // Create a new project.
          // Open the project.
          // Convert the project to a java project.
          javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);

Set JavaNature feature for the project

Even we convert the project to become a java project, but we need to set the Java nature or feature for this project. We create a new method, setJavaNature() as below:
     private void setJavaNature() throws CoreException {
          // Get the description of the project
          IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
          // Change the description with NATURE_ID of JavaCore
          description.setNatureIds(new String[] {JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
          // Set the description back to the project
              description, null);
JavaCore is a class on the org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin. It includes many constants as CORE*, FORMATTER*, COMPILER*, etc. Two important contants are NATURE_ID and PLUGIN_ID.

Set JRE path

A Java project needs to have a JRE path. We add a method, addDefaultJRE to do this task:
     private void addDefaultJRE(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException {
          // Create an empty class path entry array for the project
              new IClasspathEntry[0], progressMonitor);
          // Get it - the old entries
          IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
          // Increase 1 for the size of the new entry array.
          IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1];
          // Copy the old entries to new entry array.
              oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
          // Set the new element to the default JRE of the system.
          newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaRuntime.getDefaultJREContainerEntry();
          // Set back entry paths to the project
              newEntries, progressMonitor);
The JavaRuntime class is not available on our plugin at this moment. It belongs to org.eclipse.jdt.launching so we need to add it as a dependency of the de.rwth.swc.demo.generation plugin. JavaRuntime offers some methods to work not only with JRE but also with Virtual Machine.

Create the bin folder

We need to add a bin folder and set it to become the output location (the folder keeps class files) for the project: create a new method, createBinFolder(), as below:
     private IFolder createBinFolder() throws CoreException {
          // Get the folder with the name bin
          IFolder binFolder = project.getFolder("bin");
          // Create this folder. if the first parameter is false, it does not
          // forced to override the folder
              false, true, null);
          // Get the path of the bin folder
          IPath outputLocation = binFolder.getFullPath();
          // Set that path as the output location of the project
              outputLocation, null);
          return binFolder;

Create a source folder (if you want to create Java classes)

Now we will create a source folder to keep the java files. We will do the same way to create the bin folder: create a folder, then add to class path of new project. The code is enclosed on the createSourceFolder  method:
     private IPackageFragmentRoot createSourceFolder(String srcName) throws CoreException {
          // Get the folder with srcName name. It may be not exist
          IFolder folder = project.getFolder(srcName);
          // Create a real folder. In the case you want to force override the
          // folder,
          // set the first parameter as true
              false, true, null);
          // Get the source folder as root package
          IPackageFragmentRoot root = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoot(folder);
          // Do the samething on the addDefaultJRE method
          IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
          IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1];
              oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
          // Add a new source folder as a new entry for class paths
          newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath());
          // Set back entry paths to the project
              newEntries, null);
          return root;

Convert the Java project to become a Java plugin.

We use a class of Eclipse to do this task. Firstly, we import the source code of the plugin named org.eclipse.pde.ui. We copy class to the de.rwth.demo.generation package. (The reason why we know the plugin and the class, you could see on the Appendix part. After copying, there are some errors on this class. To fix those errors, we need some other plugins and import some packages:
  • Add dependencies: org.eclipse.pde.core and org.eclipse.pde.
  • Import packages: org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui, org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.util, org.eclipse.ui.actions,

On this class, we will call the execute(…) method to start converting projects.

The last step

Now we change the createProject() a little bit. We call the methods created above:
          // Add JRE
          // Create the bin folder
          // Create a source folder
          IPackageFragmentRoot src = createSourceFolder("src");
          // Convert the project to a plugin
          ConvertProjectToPluginOperation convert = new ConvertProjectToPluginOperation(new IProject[] {project}, true);
          try {
          }catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
          }catch (InterruptedException e) {
On the execute() method of MenuHandler, we call the method createProject() and everything is done.


You could export the de.rwth.swc.demo.generation plugin and import to your Eclipse if you want. However, here I will run directly this plugin and create a new instance of Eclipse.
Right click on the manifest file and run as Eclipse application. Assume that you have a genmodel file or something like ecore file, right click and choose Create a Plugin, you will get a new plugin with the name de.rwth.mocca.demo.test.


Question: How could I know to set popup:org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation.GenModelEditorID to the locationURI field?.
Answer: Open one genmodel file, and press Shift + Alt + F2 to spy the popup menu

We will see that the class take care this operation is GenModelActionBarContributor$GenerateAction on the plugin org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.ui. Import the source code of this plugin, open the manifest file, then the Extensions tab, you could see the ID of EMF Generator is the value which is set for the locationURI field.

Question: How could I know the ConvertProjectToPluginOperation class?
Answer: By using spy key code (Shift + Alt + F1), we could check what class has responsible to convert projects. Right click on a Java project, choose Configure -- > Convert to Plug-in Projects, we have:

By importing the plugin org.eclipse.ui.workench (we need to switch to the plug-in perspective) and the open ConvertProjectAction class, you will find on performFinish() methods leading to the ConvertProjectToPluginOperation class.


There are some links that you could read related to this article:
Eclipse Plugin:

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